Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man

Best Place To Start Your Career To Grow Up
Provide greater opportunity of access to Technical & Vocational Education with equity to all the eligible persons.To develop the patterns of teaching and to strengthen research and encourage institutions- public or private- to engage in expansion of the frontiers of knowledge.Expansion of the access by supporting existing institutions, establishing new institutions and improving standards by strengthening infrastructure and faculty.To organise training programmes for skill development, vocational education and seminars/symposia/workshop and to be one of the leading sources of Technical manpower to cater to the demand of the industry
Our Mission
Provide greater opportunity of access to Technical & Vocational Education with equity to all the eligible persons.To develop the patterns of teaching and to strengthen research and encourage institutions- public or private- to engage in expansion of the frontiers of knowledge.Expansion of the access by supporting existing institutions, establishing new institutions and improving standards by strengthening infrastructure and faculty.To organise training programmes for skill development, vocational education and seminars/symposia/workshop and to be one of the leading sources of Technical manpower to cater to the demand of the industry.

Our Vision
To Establish a Unique Identity and become an Institute par Excellence with Best Facilities and Infrastructure through Knowledge Creation, achieve Excellent Standard in Education through Innovation, Teamwork, Acquisition and Dissemination for the Benefit of Society and Humanity.
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